Discount rates for young innovators
Once again SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN is able to offer a special highlight for young companies at Messe Essen from September 15 through 19, 2025: Thanks to the federal funding programme “Young Innovators”, start-ups can take part in the world's leading trade fair for joining, cutting and surfacing technology at discounted rates. This provides an opportunity to showcase their innovative products and services to an international professional audience. Interested companies can now register for these special exhibition spaces.
“Participating in SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN offers young companies a unique opportunity to establish themselves on an international stage,” emphasizes Christina Kleinpaß, Project Manager of SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN. ”Our goal is to provide start-ups with the best possible support through an attractive group exhibitions area in the highly frequented Hall 3 so that they can present themselves successfully.” The world-leading trade fair attracts visitors from over 120 countries, offering opportunities to forge new business connections, exchange expertise and prepare investments. Start-ups will encounter decision-makers from industry and trades as well as potential partners and customers from around the globe.
Participation criteria
The international reach of SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN is one reason the trade fair has once again been selected for the funding programme by the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA). The goal of the "Young Innovators" programme is to help young companies access export markets. To qualify, companies must meet the following criteria:
- Headquarters and business operations are located in Germany.
- The company is less than ten years old.
- It employs fewer than 50 people and has an annual turnover or balance sheet total of no more than 10 million euros.
- The portfolio includes innovative products, processes or services that the company has developed or significantly improved itself.
If these conditions are met, the companies register for the trade fair via the SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN website. They then submit their application to the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA). Upon approval, they can receive funding of up to 60 per cent of the costs for booth rental and construction. The package also includes services such as cleaning, security and access to a shared information booth with meeting and catering areas.
(Source: Messe Essen GmbH)
EventFairFundingSCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDENStart-upsTrade FairYoung Professionals