© Fraunhofer IGP

Upgraded 2MN Resonance Testing Machine More Efficient and Versatile

Upgraded 2MN Resonance Testing Machine More Efficient and Versatile

Representatives of the manufacturing company SincoTec recently visited Fraunhofer Institute for Large Structures in Production Technology IGP on-site to install a universal clamping device that did not exist for resonance testing machines in these force ranges. This upgrade makes the testing equipment more flexible.

The 2MN resonance pulsator is the first testing machine from SincoTec equipped with this device. In terms of the size of the enclosed test space and the maximum possible force application, the testing equipment is currently unique in its newly created configuration. As a result, it can be particularly used in areas where large sheet thicknesses are used or high forces occur, such as in construction of on- and offshore wind turbines, in steel, plant, or shipbuilding.

With the equipped testing machine, large cross-sections (diameters up to 80 mm) or large sheet thicknesses up to 90 mm (including welded components) under high loads up to 2MN can be dynamically testet. In comparison to the "conventional" testing machines, this one also allows for much faster testing times. This enables not only "normal" fatigue tests but also endurance strength tests up to very high load cycle numbers (up to 10 million cycles and beyond) within a reasonable time frame.

The newly developed hydraulic clamping device by SincoTec streamlines operational processes during which the test pieces are mechanically clamped. This method serves several advantages: It enhances the durability of the sealing system and simultaneously ensures higher operational safety. The testing machine also offers sustainability benefits. In the execution of experiments to create a Wöhler curve, energy savings compared to a hydraulic testing machine can reach up to 70 per cent.

Thanks to the reconfiguration of the 2MN resonance testing machine, Fraunhofer IGP is now able to dynamically test materials with large cross-sections or sheet thicknesses under high loads up to 2MN within a significantly reduced time and cost framework.

© Fraunhofer IGP
Reconfiguration of the 2MN resonance testing machine allows dynamic testing of materials with large cross-sections or sheet thicknesses under high loads © Fraunhofer IGP

(Source: Fraunhofer IGP Press Release)



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