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05. – 06.09.2022

2nd International Symposium on Plastics Technology

Aachen, Deutschland


2nd International Symposium on Plastics Technology


Das IKV und die PPS – Polymer Processing Society laden am 5. un d 6. September 2022 alle interessierten Vordenker der Kunststofftechnik zum 2nd International Symposium on Plastics Technology nach Aachen ein. Das Symposium bietet Wissenschaftlern, aber auch Anwendern im Bereich der Kunststoffe ein inspirierendes Forum, um aktuelle Forschungsvorhaben aus allen Teilen der Welt kennenzulernen, drängende Fragen und neue wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu diskutieren, sich zu vernetzen und Impulse für die zukünftige Gestaltung der Kunststofftechnik mitzunehmen.

Das Programm: Forscher an Universitäten und in den Entwicklungsabteilungen von Industrieunternehmen weltweit haben ihre Beiträge zu den Themenschwerpunkten Additive Fertigung, Kreislaufwirtschaft/Recycling, Leichtbau, Kunststoffindustrie 4.0/Digitalisierung, Spritzgießen sowie Extrusion/Compoundierung/Rheologie eingereicht.

Mit der zeitlichen Kopplung des Symposiums an das Internationale Kolloquium Kunststofftechnik besteht die einzigartige Chance, konzentriert und kompakt sowohl internationale Wissenschaftsperspektiven als auch praxisnahe Forschungsergebnisse zu erleben. Aufgrund der Unterschiedlichkeit der Veranstaltungsformate sind Symposium und Kolloquium jeweils separat buchbar; Teilnehmer an beiden Veranstaltungen profitieren aber von preislich vergünstigten Kombitickets.

Das Programm im Überblick:


  • Eröffnung durch die Institutsleitung
  • Plenarvortrag: How to create Chemistry for a sustainable future

Session: Materials – Investigation of mechanical and rheological behaviour of composites

  • Modelling of proc.-dep. mechanical properties of oriented and densely compacted high-performance wood-strand polymer composites (HPWPC)
  • Mechanical Behavior of Ultra-Lightweight and Ultra-Flexible PDMS/MWCNT Open-cell Foam Nanocomposite
  • Role of Dispersion Mechanism on the Spreading Behavior in Compounding Ternary Blends of PC, SAN, and PMMA

Session: Injection moulding – Process optimization and control

  • Optimization of heat transfer in injection molds and its impact on process efficiency and part quality
  • Part quality control through holistic consideration of cross-phase cavity pressure characteristics in injection moulding
  • Investigation of Foaming Qualities Control for Microcellular Injection Molded Thermoplastic Elastomers

Session: Composites – Handling fiber reinforcement with thermoplastics

  • Synergy of fiber surface chemistry and flow: multi-phase transcrystallization in fiber-reinforced thermoplastics
  • Extrusion of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Sheets
  • Thermoplastic materials in sheet molding compound

Sessiontitel wird noch bekanntgegeben

  • Functionalisation of Graphene(s) for Light-weighting of Plastics
  • Effect of polylactide D-content and processing temperature on the reactivity of Joncryl chain extenders
  • Enhancements in mechanical and rheological properties of PLA/TPU blends through interfacial compatibilization

Sessiontitel wird noch bekanntgegeben

  • Investigations on the applicability of invertible neural networks (INN) in the injection moulding process
  • Injection moulding of resonators for locally resonant metamaterial production
  • The replication fidelity of solid microneedles using injection compression moulding and conventional injection moulding

Session: Composites – Process advances in the manufacturing of fiber reinforced plastics

  • 3D Skeleton Winding (3DSW) – Overmolding of Wound Continuous Fiber Reinforcements
  • Development of a direct process for the production of long glass fiber reinforced phenolic resins
  • Formation of Voids due to Transitions in Permeability and Cavity Diameter during Resin Injection Processes

Sessiontitel wird noch bekanntgegeben

  • Comparison of the properties of a random copolymer and a molten blend PA6/PA6.9
  • Mechanical and Morphological Properties of PP/EPDM based thermoplastic vulcanizates: „A-POSS as a Coagent“
  • Properties of EPDM/MWCNT Composites Prepared by Lab-scale Twin-screw Micro-compounder as a New Rubber-mixing Tool

Session: Injection moulding – Advances in simulation in injection molding

  • Efficient calibration of high-fidelity injection molding simulation using surrogate modeling
  • Experimental and Simulative Investigation of 2C Injection Molding of Thermoplastics with low Heat Deflection Temperature and LSR Using Dynamic Temperature Control
  • Prediction of morphology evolution during injection molding of thermoplastic polymers

Session: Rheology – Advances in rheological measurements

  • Development of a hydraulic exit pressure valve in mold-type slit rheometer for measuring pressure effect of viscosity
  • Karlsruhe die, simultaneously measuring steady state shear and first normal stress difference coefficient of LDPE via capillary rheometer at high shear rates
  • Recent Practice in F.E.A.R. Rheology using the Screw Rheometer

Sessiontitel wird noch bekanntgegeben

  • Shear-induced crystal nuclei of poly (L-lactic acid)
  • Processing of conductive thermoplastic material using PEDOT
  • Dielectric monitoring of gelation and cure for a fast-curing epoxy resin

Session: Injection moulding – Simulation and Process Modelling

  • Thermoset injection molding – Simulation vs. Experimental Data
  • Predicting mechanical properties of semi-crystalline thermoplastics from temperature profiles during cooling by artificial neural networks
  • Morphology formation during injection molding of semi-crystalline thermoplastics

Session: Joining technologies – Advances in welding

  • Hot Gas Butt Welding – Heating and Welding Behaviour of a Slit Die
  • Development of scale-up rules for the quasi-simultaneous laser transmission welding (LTW) of thermoplastics
  • Automated thermal direct joining of metal to plastics with flexible processing tool


  • Begrüßung durch die Institutsleitung des IKV
  • Plenarvortrag: Titel wird noch bekanntgegeben

Session: Circular Economy – Advances in plastic recycling

  • Upgrading post-consumer polyolefin recyclates with advanced polypropylene copolymers
  • Investigations of Thermomechanical Recycling of Flame Retarded PET: A Combined Experimental and ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Study
  • Mechanical recycling of multilayer films: A new approach with forced assembly layer coextrusion

Session: Additive manufacturing – Advances in FDM manufacturing

  • Meso-structural mesh generation for toolpath-based modelling of fused filament fabrication parts (FFF)
  • Additive manufacturing of bio-based and biodegradable composites for biomedical applications (FFF)
  • Mechanical properties of multi-material polymers additively manufactured with Fused Layer Modeling using a single nozzle (FLM)

Session: Extrusion – Quality control and support systems in extrusion

  • Advances in Mixing Element Design
  • Development of simulation based assistant systems for automatic identification of the process conditions and derivation of recommendations to optimize the operating point for a profile extrusion line
  • Development of a decision support system for profile extrusion

Session: Circular economy – Modeling and evaluation in circular economy

  • A conception of a toolbox for quality control along the value chain of rigid PO recycling
  • Electron induced reactive processing - a sustainable method for preparation of polymer compounds
  • LCAs for Plastics End-of-Life: Limitations and potential of a powerful tool

Session: Additive manufacturing – Advances in materials for additive manufacturing

  • 3D printing of multilayered model polymers based on PLA and PMMA: Rheological modeling of the healing processes at the polymer/polymer interfaces
  • Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) of Thermoreversible Diels-Alder Thermosets
  • The influence of the temperature profile during laser sintering on the crystallization kinetics of polyamide12

Session: Extrusion– Handling gases in manufacturing processes

  • A comparative study to model the devolatilization process in an extruder
  • Analysis and Modelling of Extrusion Foaming Behaviour of Polyolefins using Isobutane and CO2
  • Conveying Characteristics of Co-Rotating Twin-Screw Extruder Kneading Blocks – Comparison of Various Modeling Approaches

Session: Circular economy – Investigation of new materials and additives

  • Sustainability assessment of processing bio-based colourants for packaging applications
  • Polyhydroxybutyrates for a Circular Economy: Mechanical and Thermal Characterization
  • Macromolecular insights into the altered mechanical deformation mechanisms of non-polyolefin contaminated polyolefins

Session: Additive manufacturing – Innovative products by additive manufacturing

  • Development of drug-eluting nano-hydroxylapatite filled poly-caprolactone nanocomposites utilizing solution-extrusion 3D printing technique
  • A 3D Printing Route Targeting Footwear Comfort
  • Reversible processing of dynamic covalent polymer networks for self-healing soft robotic applications

Sessiontitel wird noch bekanntgegeben

  • Motion Control in Robotic Rotational Moulding
  • Direct Injection Molding of recycled thermoplastics using a two-stage process including melt filtration and degassing
  • Digitizing the digitization

  • Plenarvortrag: Titel wird noch bekanntgegeben
    Schlussbemerkungen und Verabschiedung durch die Institutsleitung

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