5th International Conference on Nanojoining and Microjoining (NMJ)
https://2023.nmj.org/Die „International Conference on Nanojoining and Microjoining” (NMJ) ist eine seit 2012 stattfindende Konferenz, die sich mit der Mikro- und Nanofügetechnologie beschäftigt. Die NMJ 2023 findet dieses Jahr erstmals in Deutschland statt und wird von der Professur Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde der Technischen Universität Chemnitz organisiert. Vom 27.11. bis 29.11.2023 freut sich der Veranstalter darauf, im Radisson Blu Hotel in Leipzig eine Plattform für den Austausch und die Diskussion von Forschungsergebnissen, Einsatzgebieten und Trends in der Nano- und Mikroverbindungstechnik zu schaffen.
Schwerpunkte sind dabei insbesondere folgende Themen:
- Entwicklung von Prozessen des Mikro- und Nanofügens für die Anwendung in neuen Industriesektoren (MEMS, NEMS, medizinische Implantate und Geräte, nanoskalige Systeme und Bauteile usw.)
- Untersuchung von Materialien (Nanopartikel, Nanoschichten usw.), die für das Fügen eingesetzt werden
- Methoden und Ausrüstung zur Qualitätsbeurteilung (zerstörend und zerstörungsfrei) von mikro- und nanoskaligen Verbindungen
- Untersuchung grundlegender Fragestellungen und Effekte beim Mikro- und Nanofügen, wie bspw. Nanoeffekte
Das Vortragsprogramm spiegelt den hohen internationalen Charakter der Tagung wieder.
Das Programm im Überblick:
- Registration
- Welcome Reception
- Registration
- Opening – Welcome – Introduction
- Prof. Lars Jeurgens, Empa, Switzerland, President of the Nanojoining and Microjoining Association
- Dr. Andreas Handschuh (Video greeting), Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism, Germany, Secretary of State
- Prof. Anja Strobel, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany, Vice President for Research and University Development
- Keynote: 4D materials for electronic skin and microrobotic systems
- Impulse lectures from the industry
- Group Photo, Coffee Break and Poster Session
- Keynote: The bonding process of electronic components using different energy sources and its reliability
- Microstructure Analysis of Induction Sintered Ag Micro Particle Layers for Die-Attach Applications
- Characterization of microscale mechanical property and fracture behavior of sintered Ag/semiconductor material interface
- Thermal effect on fracture behaviour of porous sintered silver nanoparticles by phase-field method
- Lunch and Poster Session
- Keynote: Latest integrated power module and unit technology using WBG devices
- Cross-Correlation of Interconnection Technologies – A Case Study of Reduced Wire Bond Quality after Ultrasonic Welding
- Nanopaste sinter-bonding for transfer and integration of functional thin films
- Microstructure-based modelling of thermal conductivity in sintered diamond-reinforced Ag composites
- Joining of gold nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation with halide salt
- Coffee Break and Poster Session
- Invited: Joining Diamond with Copper in Additive Manufacturing
- Invited: High-strength bonding with low-temperature sintering copper nanoparticles
- Sub 250°C sintering of substrates to baseplates with micro scale copper sinter paste
- Enhanced Thermal Conductivity in Micro Composite Structure Joints Utilizing Porous Cu Sheets
- Modified Nickel nanopastes to avoid high pressures during joining process
- Ultrafast laser selective welding of sapphire and Invar alloy
- Keynote: Femtosecond laser processing in photonics ‐scribing, welding and 3D nano-structuring
- Invited: Cu@Ag nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, sintering mechanism and applications for power and flexible printed electronics
- Femtosecond laser induced nanofusion and nanoalloying of high-entropy alloy nanoparticles
- Broadening the scope of sintering: silver and copper/ silver mixed pastes for substrate and die-attach on challenging surfaces such as Cu, Ni and Al-finishes
- A novel strategy for nano-alloys preparation for power electronics packaging
- Coffee Break and Poster Session
- Invited: Heterogeneous Direct Bonding: From Microelectronics to Biomedical Implantation
- Microwelding of NiTi to stainless steel
- Micro welding of glasses with USP-lasers – process models, results and applications
- Laser Irradiation of Porcine Skeletal Muscle Tissue
- Lunch and Poster Session
- Invited: Direct laser writing of composite structures: process and application
- Laser spiral spot welding of Al and Cu foils: process, microstructure and properties
- Plasmonic-assisted heterogeneous integration of oxide-semiconductor interconnects under ultrafast laser irradiation
- Tuning Wettability of Graphene Oxide by Laser Induced Reduction in Liquids
- Additive fabrication and adhesion enhancement of conformal interconnections on Al substrates with arbitrary 3D structures
- Coffee Break and Poster Session
- Invited: Sintering behavior of nano porous film for device integration including power electronics, chiplet and flexible electronics
- Thermal fatigue damage mechanism of nano-foam sintered layer in the SiC device during thermal reliability testing
- Alloy-type lithium anode prepared by connecting nanosized alloy-type material with conductive material
- Transition metal chalcogenide cathode for printed flexible zinc ion batteries
- Fabrication of Noble Metal Nanowire Flexible Electrodes by Electrodeposition Interconnection and its Application in Electrochromic Devices
- Keynote: Heterogenous Integration ‐ Thermal and Mechanical Challenges
- Invited: Integrating Low Dimensional Materials for Quantum Technology and Sensing
Intra/interlayer Atomic Diffusion Behavior of Al/Ni Reactive Multilayer Nanofoils Excited by Electrical/Thermal/Mechanical Multi-fields - Atomistic Modeling of Nano-Multilayers for Nano-/Micro-Joining Applications
- Contribution of molecular dynamics to the study of metallic nanometric multilayers
- Ag directional outflow in Ag/AlN nano-multilayers
- Coffee Break and Poster Session
- Invited: New Materials for Joining Microelectronic Components
- Microstructural evolution of Cu-Nb nanomultilayer on Si substrate upon annealing
- Controlled directional Cu outflow in Cu/W nanomultilayers for joining technologies
- Reactive joining for temperature sensitive strain sensors
- Interfacial melting and low-temperature reactive bonding in sequential Sn and Bi layers for hybrid flip chip joining in flexible electronics
- Hybrid material joining with Al/Ni multilayers directly sputtered on thermoplast substrates
- Lunch and Poster Session
- Invited: Thermo-mechanical characterization and reliability of advanced system integration technologies
- Low Temperature In-bearing Solders for Microelectronic Applications
- Site-Selective Solder Deposition on Multi-Segment Nanowires as a New Approach for Nanowire Joining and Interconnection
- Transient Liquid Phase Infiltration Bonding of Copper for Die-attach
- Effect of Reducing Agent on Bridge Formation and Thermal Conductivity of Metal Bridged Electrically Conductive Adhesive
- Can Nanojoining be an alternative for brazing?
- Cu/Mo layered composites: from macro- to nanoscale
- Effect of aging conditions on the surface state of CuO nanopowders as studied by in-situ X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Free-standing Silver Nanobelt Foils for Sintering Die Bonding of Power Electronics and Its Power Cycle Reliability
- Influence of alumina fiber on characteristics of hybrid bonding
- Influence of nano additive shape in Sn-3.0Ag0.5Cu (SAC 305) nanocomposite solder