Global Steel Sustainability Summit 2024
http://steel.apexevents.cn/Beim Global Steel Sustainability Summit 2024 geht es um die neuesten Markt- und Technologieentwicklungen im Bereich der grünen Stahltechnologie. Im Mittelpunkt der Veranstaltung steht der fachliche Austausch mit Branchenexperten und Entscheidungsträgern. Die Teilnehmer haben die Möglichkeit, neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und gemeinsam auf eine nachhaltige Stahlerzeugung hinzuarbeiten.
Die Veranstaltungshöhepubkte im Überblick:
- Steel and Iron Ore’s decarbonization roadmap in a 2050 net-zero scenario
- Iron and Steelmaking – Transformation for Sustainability towards a Greener Future
- Decarbonize steel and Ferroalloys while producing sustainable aviation fuels and chemicals
- Unlocking green steel – how the EU can reinvigorate, decarbonize and future proof the steel industry
- How the increasing market demand for greener steel will reshape future steelmaking?
- Stainless Steel — Providing the Sustainable Materials Choice
- How Recycling Helps Steel Industry Transform towards Sustainability?
- Raw Materials — Upstream Supply Chains Under Green and Decarbonization Pressure
- Critical Insights: Energy Crisis in Europe and the Impact on Future ESG Ambitions
- Towards Industry 4.0: How the Digitalization of Steel Value Chain can Support a Green Transformation?
- Replacement of Fossil Coal and Coke in Steelmaking with Renewable Biocarbon
- Responsible Steel – building a more sustainable steel industry
- How Green Digitalization Acts a Driver of Decarbonization towards Green Steelmaking
- Crafted Scrap - Advanced Technology for High Quality Green Steel Production
- Sustainability Perspectives: Help or hindrance? The role of energy prices in the green steel transition
- Implementation of New Technologies in Steel Industry — from Producers’ Perspective
- Global scrap and metallics markets dynamics- How Big a Role Scraps and Metallics Play in Decarbonizing the Steel Industry
- Sustainable Steel for Packaging: Closing the loop on steel and metal packaging
- Sustainable Steelmaking for the Production Processes of Today and Tomorrow
- Partnership across the Value Chain to Deliver Carbon Neutral Steel