LÖT 2022
13th International Conference on Brazing, High Temperature Brazing and Diffusion Bonding
https://www.dvs-ev.de/call4papers/index.cfm?vid=113Vom 21. bis 23. Juni 2022 findet in Aachen die 13. Internationale Konferenz für Hartlöten, Hochtemperaturlöten und Diffusionskleben statt. Diese Konferenz ist eine der weltweit führenden Veranstaltungen auf diesem Gebiet. Sie bringt Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und technisches Personal aus der ganzen Welt zusammen, die sich mit der Forschung, Entwicklung und Anwendung der Fügetechnik beschäftigen.
Die Welt hat sich seit der letzten Konferenz dramatisch verändert. Selbst in Zeiten einer globalen Pandemie schreitet die technische Entwicklung voran. In den Unternehmen ist die Digitalisierung vorangeschritten, die Geschäftsprozesse wurden optimiert und die Kundenbeziehungen gestärkt. Hartlöten, Hochtemperaturlöten und Diffusionskleben sind komplexe Technologien, die kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt werden müssen. Sie beruhen auf aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen, geltenden Normen und Richtlinien sowie angepassten Schulungsmaßnahmen.
Insbesondere die Löttechnik bietet den Herstellern eine Vielzahl interessanter und wirtschaftlicher Lösungen zum Verbinden von Werkstoffen und Produkten. Auch für die Anwendung dieser Fügeverfahren ist ein besonderer Wissensstand erforderlich, der sich aus dem anwendungsorientierten Informationsaustausch zwischen Praxis und Wissenschaft ergibt Die Ziele der Tagung sind
- Präsentation von technischen Lösungen für moderne Anwendungen
- Transfer von wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen in die betriebliche Praxis
- Information über die neuesten Trends und technologischen Entwicklungen
- Vorstellung von Anwendungsfeldern für neue Materialien
- Aufbau oder Intensivierung von Kontakten zwischen Anwendern und Forschern
Das Programm im Überblick:
Dienstag, 21. Juni 2022
- Welcome
- Electromobility with batteries and fuel cells – challenges for joining technology
- Pitch presentations:
- Aimtek Inc., United States of America
- Höganäs GmbH, Germany
- Innobraze GmbH, Germany
- Listemann Technology AG, Switzerland
- SAFECHEM Europe GmbH, Germany
Furnace brazing
- Effects and developments of pressure aided brazing on large scale, planar joints
- Influence of brazing process parameters on lifetime-determining characteristics
- Effects of joint design and interlayers on ceramic-metal joints
- Effect of specimen joint design on wetting phenomenon by in-situ observation method
- Nickel-braze coated stainless steel sheets for the production of complex brazed assemblies
Advanced filler alloys
- Improving corrosion resistance in Ni-Cr-P and Ni-Fe-Cr-P based amorphous brazing foils
- Development of copper-aluminum composite brazing wires for brazing stainless steels
- Properties and applicability of Ni nanopastes for structural joining as an alternative to conventional braze fillers
- Alloys based on Al-Ge-Si system promising for low temperature filler metals creating
- The performance of a brazing filler based on a eutectic high entropy alloy designed by machine learning
Properties of brazed joints
- Influence of the microscopic condition of brazing fillets on the fracture behavior of brazed joints
- Alloying-dependent microstructure influence on corrosion fatigue mechanisms of vacuum brazed AISI 304L/NiCrSiB joints
- Effect of morphic difference between foil and powder on brazed area corrosion resistance
- Microstructural influence of current assisted brazing on properties of nickel brazing alloys
- Fast and reliable Ag-Sn transient liquid phase bonding by use of rapid heating and low-energy ultrasound
Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2022
- Research presentation: The impact of central industrial transformation prozess of brazing technologies - a systematic approach to future research fields „Fachausschuss Löten“ of DVS e. V.
Diffusion bonding
- Development of a novel diffusion bonding technique for Al-alloys
- On the relation of bonding temperature, contact pressure and deformation on the mechanical properties of diffusion bonded AISI 304
- Recent developments in diffusion bonding - equipment and applications
Industrial application of brazing and diffusion bonding
- Justification for replacing BAu-4 precious metal braze filler metal with Pal 30 Ni-based braze filler metal for dissimilar stainless steel joints
- The effect of morphic difference between Ni-based brazing foil and paste on brazeability with spreading and gap-filling test
- Characterisation and performance of a novel high entropy alloy as a braze filler metal for vacuum brazing
- Flux-free joining of dissimilar materials
Brazing of demanding materials and joints
- Development of low-temperature active solders
- Brazing of cemented carbide with low silver content brazing filler metal
- Potential of maraging steel as a joining partner for cemented carbide
- Vacuum brazing of super duplex stainless steels and corrosion resistance
- An investigation into the brazing of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel
Joining of glass, ceramics and metals
- Joining of ceramics: brazes, surface activation, stress reduction and achieved properties
- Active metal brazed Cu-Si3N4 composites for power electronics
- Biocompatible coaxial Al2O3/Ti brazed joints produced by using a new developed Ti-Zr-Co powder filler
- Joining behavior of glass composite sealant for oxygen transport membrane application
- Laser based metallization of materials with low wettability for joining of hybrid material combinations
Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2022
Quality assurance, process and product quality
- Practical aspects of the diffusion treatment of wide gap brazing
- Sample geometry for the investigation of wetting and flow behavior of brazing material in the gap during high-temperature brazing
- Development of an optical inspection method for evaluating the surface condition of metal surfaces to be brazed
- Influence of the shielding gas quality on microstructure and mechanical properties of induction brazed joints using Ni60CrPSi
- Non-destructive evaluation of ceramic-to-metal brazed joints by means of x-ray inspection and helium leak detection techniques
Modeling and simulation
- Extrapolation of short-time creep tests to long-time creep values: Selection of a model for brazed joints
- Capillary Flow of Aluminum Braze in Microgravity
- Increasing the manucaturing tolerance of high-temperature brazed components by thermodynamic calculation of temperature-time-cyles
- Exploration of ternary phase diagrams for the development of novel Fe-based brazing foils
- Linear aspects of man-machine models of brazing alloys