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Key Trends in Welding, Joining and Allied Processes

online, Americas

Web Seminar

Key Trends in Welding, Joining and Allied Processes

With the advent of greater demand for online training, HERA, IIW-India, SAIW and the CWB Association are cooperating and collaborating to transfer the knowledge and experience of world experts into as many countries on a global basis. The four organisations will arrange for webinars and E-Courses to be presented by such world experts to meet the challenges of different time zones, the need to assist individuals and industries to optimise their training times as well as improve their national welding capabilities.

This presentation is brought to you by: Dr Luca. Costa, IIW Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chairman of the Italian Standardisation Committee UNI TC 39 (Welding and permanent joining) and the representative of the Italian Standardisation Body (UNI) at ISO TC 44 and CEN TC 121.

The presentation will cover the future trends in Welding and Allied technologies, covering the matter through the IIW wide-angled view. Particular attention will be given to the following areas:

  • the relationship between welding operations and the emerging manufacturing approaches using big data, artificial intelligence and intelligent manufacturing;
  • training skills to adapt to the evolving industrial environments in different regions of the world;
  • the impact of Occupational Health and Safety measures on manufacturing on a global scale.
Where and when:

The Webinar will be of one and a half hours duration including half an hour for questions and discussion. It will be held on three separate occasions to accommodate the four different regions of the globe: The Americas; Africa and Europe; Indian sub-continent, Asia and Australasia.

Who should attend?

Personnel of all types and at all levels in manufacturing, fabrication, construction, maintenance, standards, regulatory, education, training and research organisations are welcome to attend. Delegates are welcome to bring along their questions to contribute to discussions and positive outcomes.

What Industry Sectors is the Webinar relevant for?

All welding related industry sectors will benefit from involvement in the webinar.

Registration Link