Products & Companies: Where to find what and who manufactures it?

Are you looking for a welding technology product? A manufacturer of welding technology? A welding technology service provider? Or some information about your competitors? Our welding technology company and product directory is the who's who and what's what for welding. Or in other words: ‘In’ is who is in!

Is your company missing from our directory?
Or would you like to add your company entry to our directory?

Please do not hesitate to contact us.
In our media kit you can also find detailed information about the various entry options for the directory.


Das Produkt- und Firmenverzeichnis enthält eine große Anzahl verschiedener Produktkategorien. Nutzen Sie für Ihre Recherche die Freitextsuche, das Produkt-ABC oder die Nomenklatur mit ihren sieben Hauptkategorien.

