Are you interested in the various advertising opportunities

Then you've come to the right place!

Our media information shows you how to present your products and services in the product and company directory in the best possible way, how you can use our newsletters for your advertising and how you can place your messages in the Joining Technology JobPortal for specific target groups.

The reach of the HOME OF WELDING B2B platform

Who do you reach with your presence in HOME OF WELDING?

  • HOME OF WELDING is aimed at experts and interested parties from the joining, cutting and coating industry.
  • The content on the platform covers topics from science and research as well as from operational practice.
  • The wide range of reporting allows you to reach users and decision-makers from purchasing, sales and marketing.


  • Über 1.000 Abonnenten des wöchentlichen Newsletters.
  • Öffnungsraten zwischen 35–43%, Klickraten zwischen 40–50%.

Our offer variants for your company entry

Welding technology companies and companies from neighbouring sectors have the opportunity to have their portfolio listed in the HOME OF WELDING product and service directory. In addition to the free basic entry, there are four further entry variants available, which include different presentation options.

As part of the Silver and Gold media packages, you also have the option of integrating your moving image entries into your company profile.

Find out more and decide between

Basic Plus, Bronze, SilVer And Gold:

Individual services

Not sure whether one of our media packages is right for you? No problem: regardless of our Basic Plus, Bronze, Silver and Gold packages, you also have the option of booking various individual services.


Your Advantage?

A shorter term and therefore a manageable investment of your advertising budget!

Advertising banners, newsletter adverts, stand-alone newsletters, print-digital combination placements in the context of the JobPortal or advertorials are possible. Click on our current media data to find out more about services, terms and costs.

Unsere aktuellen Mediadaten

Zu den Mediadaten

Our current media information

Download Media Kit

To enable you to address your customers from the welding technology sector even more comprehensively beyond HOME OF WELDING, it is worth taking a look at the media data of our other specialist media from the joining, cutting and coating industry. First and foremost, of course, are the trade journals SCHWEISSEN UND SCHNEIDEN and DER PRAKTIKER. But the other media also have a fixed target group.

Mediadaten: Schweißtechnik

Mediadaten herunterladen

Media information: welding

Download Media Kit

Please contact us:

Media Sales
Markus Winterhalter
Telefon: +49 211 1591-142

Dipl.-Kulturwiss. Uta Tschakert
Telefon: +49 211 1591-304