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AiF Funding Transnational Projects

AiF Funding Transnational Projects

AiF Projekt GmbH is a project management that works on behalf of federal and state ministries as well as other official government institutions all across Germany. The team of 150 employees supports public clients as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SME's) and their research partners that are ready to innovate, with its know-how and expertise from more than three decades of project management work for the Federal Government's SME-oriented technology funding measures.

International R&D (Research and Development) cooperation

As the project management agency of the BMWK, AiF oversees the funding of ZIM (Central Innovation Programme SME's) cooperation projects. These can also be carried out with foreign companies and research institutions. The coordination office for international cooperation offers extensive advisory and support services for applicants and project partners who are currently receiving funding.

In order to facilitate cooperation with foreign cooperation partners, partnerships with ministries and agencies in various countries are established and expanded in order to open up national funding programmes. The project partners are supported according to the funding guidelines of the respective country – the German companies according to the current ZIM guideline, which provides for up to 10 per cent higher funding rates for transnational cooperation.

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Success stories

(Source: AiF Projekt GmbH Press Release)



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