© Caracol

Efficient Production Scaling

LFAM with Speed and Multi-Material Capabilities

Caracol, specialist in large-format additive manufacturing (LFAM), announced the launch of its high-throughput xHF Extruder. This new end-effector is now a component to configure to Caracol’s composite Heron AM LFAM platform, boosting productivity with an extrusion rate of up to 75kg/h (165 lb/h), while enhancing precision and multi- material capabilities. The new solution can process two materials simultaneously thanks to a double chamber and custom nozzles, marking a significant leap forward in extra large-scale 3D printing for the aerospace, marine, construction and architectural sectors.

The xHF (Extra Flow) Extruder – engineered and patented to maximize throughput, precision and material flexibility, with advanced plasticization and thermal control – delivers:

  • Minimized component stress and enhanced durability due to dual-motor torque distribution;
  • high-volume production of large-scale parts, thanks to exceptional speed and precision;
  • superior material plasticization with four thermal control zones per each extrusion chamber;
  • compatibility with high-performance composites thanks to an operating temperature up to 450 °C (842 °F):
  • a compact size, with a balanced center of gravity, ensuring an agile machine setup and high movement speed, with a maximized print volume.

By printing bi-material layers, the Heron AM platform can produce high-performance composite parts in a more flexible and convenient way – combining, for example, a cost- effective core material surrounded by a technical outer skin of high-performance thermoplastics. This innovative feature cuts costs on macrostructures and maximizes the unique advantages of each material used.

By equipping Heron AM with the xHF (Extra Flow) Extruder, specifically engineered for extra-large applications, Caracol is delivering the ideal solution for manufacturing ultra-large components in several industries, such as:

  • Construction & architecture: prefabricated structures and units, sustainable housing and urban infrastructure;
  • marine & aerospace: large-format molds, models, and functional components like boat hulls;
  • industrial manufacturing: tooling, jigs and custom-designed composite extra-large structures.

“With this launch, we’re redefining what’s possible in large-scale additive manufacturing,” comments Giovanni Avallone, Chief Innovation Officer and Co-founder of Caracol. “Working within the industry as both a service bureau and a technology provider, we recognize the gap in the market for this high-speed extrusion and advanced multi-material capabilities combination. This extruder will enable manufacturers to produce ultra-large, high-performance composite parts with greater efficiency and precision than ever before, opening up the benefits of AM to more industries without compromising on quality or material flexibility.”

(Source: Caracol)


Additive ManufacturingAM

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