© encee GmbH

encee New Distribution Partner of AM Solutions

encee New Distribution Partner of AM Solutions

AM Solutions – 3D post processing technology, a brand of the Rösler Group, is expanding its distribution network in Germany. Just in time for the start of Rapid.Tech 3D, the specialist for the post-processing of additive manufactured components has announced its partnership with encee GmbH. The reseller from Ursensollen near Amberg in Bavaria will also distribute the automated and economical solutions from AM Solutions on the German market in the future.

In encee GmbH, AM Solutions has found a sales partner that is one of the pioneers in the distribution of 3D solutions and has been  in industrial 3D printing resale since the late 1990s. encee currently has more than 550 3D printers in the field and supplies all major industrial printing processes in the plastics and metal sectors. With around 80 years of experience in surface finishing, Rösler offers the right post-processing solution for all industrial printing processes under the AM Solutions brand. In addition, the machines as well as the necessary processing equipment are developed and produced at the headquarters site in Germany, which allows the company to react quickly to any customer requests and requirements. Through its collaboration with encee, AM Solutions hopes to provide even more comprehensive advice and support to customers, who will be able to purchase the complete range of equipment from 3D printers to post-processing solutions from the reseller - including sample processing and system service.

CEO Horst Eckenberger summarises the expectations of encee GmbH as follows: “The partnership with AM Solutions is important to us for two main reasons. Firstly, we can offer our customers the wide range of solutions from AM Solutions for post-processing their 3D printed parts, particularly for the SAF H350 powder machine from Stratasys, which means we have a complete solution in our product portfolio. On the other hand, we use AM Solutions‘ systems ourselves in our own parts production centre and can therefore also demonstrate our own experience with the technology.”


© encee GmbH
Horst Eckenberger, CEO of encee GmbH © encee GmbH
Long-term partnership for optimum customer benefit

AM Solutions specialises in the development and production of post-processing solutions including process development for additively manufactured components made of metal and plastic. The product range covers the complete spectrum from unpacking and removing support structures and adhering powder and sintered particles to cleaning, smoothing and edge rounding of surfaces and surface finishing. “We are very selective when choosing our sales partners and attach great importance to a long-term orientation. The down-to-earth way of thinking and the geographical closeness make encee an extremely attractive partner for us, whose portfolio fits very well with our products. We are looking forward to working with our partner encee and to an open and productive exchange with one of the most experienced resellers in the field of 3D printing, from which we can certainly benefit enormously as a premium provider in the field of additive post processing,” says Tobias Schamberger, Sales Manager at AM Solutions – 3D post processing technology, summarising the expectations of the partnership.

Details of the future cooperation

In addition to selling all AM Solutions standard systems and providing first-level support, encee also processes sample parts for AM Solutions and already has an S1 for this purpose at its headquarters in Ursensollen near Amberg (Bavaria). With its smart 2-in-1 concept for the simultaneous cleaning and surface finishing of powder bed-based polymer print products in just one system, it fits particularly well into the reseller's product portfolio. In future, however, further AM Solutions systems will also be available for sample part processing – their installation is already being planned. Horst Eckenberger says of the experience gained so far in the collaboration: “We are completely convinced by the high level of expertise, the vertical integration and the quality of the solutions from AM Solutions.”

(Source: Rösler GmbH Press Release)


Additive ManufacturingCollaborationPartnershipPost ProcessingProcessing Technology

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