International Special
Susanne Szczesny-Oßing (President of DVS) and Dr. Roland Boecking (Managing Director of DVS) - © DVS

Innovations, competitions and personal exchange

Innovations, competitions and personal exchange

The time has finally arrived. After six years, the 20th edition of the world's leading trade fair SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN returns. We are looking forward to seeing the industry meet again and to many personal contacts and conversations. In recent years, we have managed to stay in close contact digitally. However, the opportunity to share our collected knowledge and the latest developments at a trade fair means much more and cannot be easily replaced.

In 2023, SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN will once again be a must-attend event for experts from all over the world. It is the largest fair of its kind worldwide. Numerous exhibitors from many countries show how important the trade fair is. National booths from China, France, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and the USA, among others, offer an overview of the products and services of each country. This year, companies will have a particularly attractive opportunity to showcase their innovations. Together with Messe Essen, the Industry Fusion Foundation (IFF) and DVS, digitisation will be showcased at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN as part of an interactive exhibit. In the app for the fair, visitors are guided to potential partners via a QR code and can even win prizes  – an excellent opportunity to experience a whole new level of interaction in work and business processes. SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN has a lot to offer for the industry, but also for young talent: the DVS national competition of ”Jugend schweißt” will take place live at the fair. The ”International Welding Competition” is also scheduled for the week of the fair. The winners can take part in an international competition, which will be held in China next year. We also offer various activities for young professionals to facilitate their entry into the industry.

In the area of underwater welding, there will be exciting demonstrations that perfectly illustrate this great potential. The DVS CONGRESS rounds out the multifaceted nature of the fair. It directly addresses industry, trade and science from the joining, separating and coating technology sectors. Interested parties will once again take away valuable lessons for their own companies. We look forward to welcoming you to the joint DVS booth in Hall 3 and finally being able to once again engage in personal conversations.

Susanne Szczesny-Oßing (President of DVS) and Dr. Roland Boecking (Managing Director of DVS)



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