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Innovative Hydrogen Injection Technology

Additional grants secure Project funding

thyssenkrupp AT.PRO tec, a subsidiary of thyssenkrupp Materials Services, in collaboration with consortium partners, has secured a € 1.8 Mio research grant from the European Union's Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). This grant contributes to a € 3.5 Mio project to develop an innovative process for direct hydrogen injection into blast furnaces.
The project builds upon the established Sequence Impulse Process (SIP) technology, developed by thyssenkrupp At.Pro tec and already proven in large blast furnaces.

The goal is to prove modelling and CFD simulations by helium injection how hydrogen could be effectively pulse-injected into the blast furnace shaft, thereby improving steel production methods and contributing to the industry’s decarbonization efforts. Potentially, up to 20 % of CO2 emissions could be reduced while utilizing existing infrastructure. thyssenkrupp At.Pro tec will design and provide the key technology, while consortium partner thyssenkrupp Steel Europe will conduct laboratory tests on a model structure. The consortium includes other European partners: Primetals Technologies Ltd. will handle furnace integration design and economic evaluation. VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut (BFI) will serve as project coordinator, conducting analysis and modeling alongside the metallurgical competence center K1-Met. voestalpine will host the trial process with Helium injection at their Linz works, Austria.

(Source: thyssenkrupp Materials Services)



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