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New Group Leader of SKZ Materials Development

SKZ Plastics Center

Dr. Oliver Tröppner took over the Materials Development Group at the SKZ Plastics Center at the beginning of the year. This means the Würzburg institute has found a successor from within its own ranks. Oliver Tröppner has already been working at SKZ for ten years. After joining in April 2015 as a research assistant in Materials Development, he took over as Head of Materials Testing for two years before returning to Materials Development as a Senior Scientist. Since January 1, 2025, he has been responsible for this strategically important group as Group Leader.

The Materials Development group deals with industry-related research and development in the field of plastics and biopolymers as well as relevant additives. To this end, the institute offers various services for industrial companies and is involved in research projects.

Strengthening innovative strength and future-oriented research priorities

The Materials Development group at the SKZ is dedicated to new and further developments of plastic systems with practical relevance to industry. This includes the development of bio-based and biodegradable plastics, recycling and the sustainable use of materials. Additives and functional fillers to optimize properties are also researched, as is the development of blends and compounds for specific applications. Finally, new manufacturing processes for materials in additive manufacturing are also developed.

Comprehensive services for the plastics industry

In addition to research, the Materials Development Group offers a wide range of services for industrial partners. These include complete material data determination for simulation purposes, determination of melt viscosity using high-pressure capillary rheometry (HKR), analysis of molar mass distribution using gel permeation chromatography (GPC), microscopic examinations (SEM, light microscopy), market analyses for material research based on specific specifications and development of customized materials for individual applications in our own technical centre.

Team of experienced specialists

“We are delighted that we have been able to fill this group, which is of enormous importance for a plastics institute, with a long-standing employee with a wealth of experience and expertise. This will enable us to further promote current topics relating to materials and to develop sustainable and innovative plastics technologies for the future,” says Dr. Johannes Rudloff, Head of Materials, Compounding and Extrusion.

“Together with the team, I look forward to be available to our members, customers and partners as a competent point of contact for the development of plastic formulations and other areas of material development. Our projects are not only technologically exciting, but often have direct industrial applications, which makes our work particularly varied and practical,” says Dr. Oliver Tröppner, Group Leader Materials Development and Testing.

(Source: FSKZ e. V.)


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