© Röchling Gruppe

Röchling Group Reports Positive Balance

Röchling Group Reports Positive Balance

The Mannheim-based Röchling Group increased its revenue by 4.6 per cent to  € 2,723 million last year, setting a new  record since focusing on plastics processing at the beginning of the 2000s. The internationally active plastics processor, with its three divisions – Automotive, Industrial, and Medical – proved to be well-prepared and solidly positioned in the face of numerous global challenges.

Growth drivers were the Americas, with a revenue increase of € 57 million to € 622 million (up 10.1 per cent), and Asia, with growth of € 48 million to € 418 million (up 12.9 per cent). In contrast, Germany and the rest of Europe showed growth weaknesses. Revenue in Germany rose by 0.8 percent to € 958 million and in the rest of Europe by 1.0 per cent to € 725 million.

The strongest revenue-generating division was Röchling Automotive with € 1,261 million – a plus of € 111 million. Röchling Industrial managed to nearly match its record revenue from 2022, despite a significant drop in demand and noticeable price declines, achieving 1,206 million euros, which was only 2.3 per cent below the 2022 figure. The Medical division saw an increase of € 37 million (17 per cent), ending the past year with revenue of € 260 million.

As of December 31, 2023, Röchling employed 11,988 people (2022: 11,737), including 307 trainees, at 90 locations in 25 countries. Investments in tangible assets amounted to € 134 million in the 2023 fiscal year, with a focus on the Industrial division.

The year 2024 started satisfactorily for the Röchling Group. The emerging economic downturn in many industries impacted business development, resulting in revenue at the end of the quarter slightly above plan at € 696 million, but still below the previous year. “We expect that revenue for the full year 2024 will remain almost constant compared to the previous year,” said Raphael Wolfram, spokesperson for the Röchling Group’s executive board.

(Source: Röchling SE & Co. KG Press Rrelease)


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