Structural parts such as the side walls of rail vehicles, especially passenger trains, must be particularly stable, transmit forces optimally and at the same time meet high demands in terms of residual stresses, distortion and appearance. Laser beam welding has proven its worth here and the MPH Tactile tactile laser optics from Abicor Binzel provide an optimum solution for implementation. This laser optic, developed together with partner company PT Photonic Tools GmbH, offers ideal advantages for rail vehicle construction, such as automatic tolerance compensation, good component accessibility and generally very low heat input.
Watch this short video to see how the MPH Tactile laser optics weld a structural part. The connection cross-section shows a very good seam quality without a notch effect. The cross-section of the welded seam shows a completely filled weld with good root formation. The shape and design of the weld enable optimum force transmission. The optional Weldeye process monitoring system from Abicor Binzel cooperation partner Lessmüller Lasertechnik GmbH, shown in the video, prevents errors from continuing in the process.
You can find more information on tactile laser welding here:
(Source: Alexander Binzel Schweisstechnik GmbH & Co. KG)
Laser OpticsRail VehicleTactile Laser WeldingWelding