Welding connects

You‘ll Never Work Alone

Autor: Stephan Tiemonds
Erscheinungsdatum: Juni 2022
Verlag: DVS Media GmbH

WELDING CONNECTS You‘ll Never Work Alone!

“Life often writes the best stories”, they say. And Stephan Thiemonds wrote them down. He is not only a trained coppersmith and industrial foreman, but also an internationally recognized international welding specialist and as such travels around the world on behalf of welding technology. Well, strictly speaking on behalf of his employer, but that doesn't change the result: "Querweltein" the author repeatedly states that welding creates stable connections that go far beyond the mere joining of materials: Welding and welding technology connect people everywhere together.

Technically well-founded, but in a style inspired by comics and films, the author tells of extraordinary events that he experienced on his journeys on a welding mission. Between the "w" that is so crucial when it comes to welding and interesting facts about steel, stainless steel or lasers, there is still room for Jedi knights, sewage sludge dryers and the archangel Raphael, a krill fishing ship in the Antarctic storm, a magical industry and children's dreams come true.

This entertaining, enjoyable specialist, non-fiction and laughing matter enlightens you on these connections, some of which seem strange. It gives those who are not familiar with the industry fascinating insights into the world of welding technology and even provides industry experts with some new insights.

Part of the proceeds from the book go to “Child's Dream”, a non-profit registered Swiss association. Child's Dream has set itself the goal of working towards better health conditions for children in Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand and improving the basic and secondary education of these children.