© Yaskawa Europe GmbH

Ready-to-use, compact and low-cost standard welding cells

„Aussteller kündigen an“: Das in diesem Artikel erwähnte Unternehmen ist Aussteller auf der SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2023.

Sie finden das Unternehmen auf der Messe in Halle 5, Stand 5A27.

Ready-to-use, compact and low-cost standard welding cells

At SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN, Yaskawa will demonstrate today’s easy setup and operation of robots. Welding robots of the Motoman AR and SP series excel in demanding tasks in arc welding and cutting or spot welding.

The ArcWorld family also stands for ready-to-use, compact and low-cost standard welding cells with Motoman robots and safety accessories. Due to its special design, the complete robot cell can be easily shifted if required and immediately put back into operation. In addition, Yaskawa offers a technical solution for the feedback of robot braking energy to the power circuit – as a standard feature and without additional hardware. All larger Motoman robots of the series, from a payload of approx. 50 kg with the latest YRC1000 robot controller, can convert kinetic energy from downward and lateral movements directly into 400 V alternating current at 50 Hz and feed it back into the grid. Depending on the movement pattern, this significantly reduces the robot’s energy demands.

(Source: Yaskawa)


CuttingRobotsSCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2023WeldingWorkplace Safety

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