
Robots are for everyone!

Robots are for everyone! Go4Robotics campaign launched

As technology advances, robotics is becoming an increasingly important tool across industries to enhancing efficiency, productivity and safety in the workplace. Whether you’re interested in automation solutions, cobots, autonomous mobile robots or automated guided vehicles, IFR got you covered with the latest news, trends, and expertise in the world of robotics.

As technology advances, robotics is becoming an increasingly important tool across industries to enhancing efficiency, productivity and safety in the workplace. In many parts of the world, labor shortages, missing skilled labor and rising labor costs are a further driver for automation solutions.

While the trend of “democratizing” robotics opens up new customer segments, many companies, especially small- and medium-sized enterprizes (SMEs) are still doubtful whether robotics is also the right solution in their specific situation.

They expect automation to be expensive, elaborate and complex. But in fact, small-scale automation is a highly beneficial option at lower costs. Partial automation is boosting productivity without incurring high costs, optimising processes and thus relieving the strain on staff. This becomes more and more important, as SMEs have to compete on a global level and customer requirements are on the rise, too. Customers are calling for greater flexibility, more product variants and smaller batch sizes – not to mention consistently high quality on top.

With the new campaign go4robotics, IFR wants help SMEs on their automation journey and provides valuable information on the exciting field of robotics.

Whether one's interested in automation solutions, cobots, autonomous mobile robots or automated guided vehicles, the IFR campaign provides you with the latest news, trends, and expertise in the world of robotics.

In the Expertise Center, one can discover the latest trends, stay up-to-date with the latest developments and innovations in robotics with numerous free articles, whitepapers and e-books on deep dive topics.

Find out more 

(Source: IFR – International Federation of Robotics)



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