Dear Reader,
It has been far too long since the SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN fair was last held at Messe Essen. We are tremendously enthusiastic about finally being able to welcome the world's leading fair for joining, cutting and coating back to Messe Essen from September 11 to 15. Even more so, because all of the world’s market leaders, as well as top national and international companies from a total of 41 nations, will be represented at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN.
Even before the event, we sense increased demand throughout the industry for the new initiatives, trends and developments that will be presented at the world's leading fair for joining, cutting and coating. After a long wait, companies are looking forward to making new on-site contacts and reviving old ones. As the world's largest trade fair for the industry, we are happy to offer a platform for this activity.
This year, special attention is being paid to the subject of digitalisation. Dynamic processes in the labour market and energy efficiency make the topic of digitalisation highly interesting for companies in the sector. For example, a meeting will be held where companies can find out about new trends and developments.
Under the motto ”Get connected - get digital!”, the get-together, coordinated with the non-profit Industry Fusion Foundation, will educate participants about the advantages of collaboration between machines, humans, artificial intelligence and other software. It will interactively guide participants around the exhibition grounds. We are pleased that this event has interested many companies and numerous participants have already registered.
Another focus of the upcoming SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN will be on underwater technology. This year, there will be a shared location in Hall 7 where various companies will present new solution models in the field of underwater technology. In addition, various lectures on the subject will be held as part of the DVS CONGRESS, where exhibitors and visitors will receive guidance from the business sector. We expect that the fair will also provide new incentives for companies and corporations to investigate the field of underwater technology.
At this point, we would like to express our special thanks to the German Welding Society (DVS), our partner and long-time affiliate organisation. DVS is a valuable and reliable partner for us, and we thank them for their trust and cooperation over the past years. From September 11 to 14, the association will once again accompany SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN on-site via the DVS CONGRESS. The framework of this event features the “Große Schweißtechnische Tagung” (GST), the DVS Campus and the Underwater Technology Conference.
The city of Essen will also have a major influence on the success of the SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN trade fair. Visitors from all over the world will have an opportunity to experience numerous sights of the city in addition to visiting the fair. Many trade visitors are looking forward to encountering Essen again this year and taking advantage of many networking opportunities. The city of Essen and Messe Essen are proud to once again be able to offer a home to the world's leading trade fair, SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN, and to welcome guests from all over the world to Essen.
Kind regards,
Thomas Kufen (Lord Mayor of the City of Essen) and
Oliver P. Kuhrt (Managing Director of Messe Essen)