An agreement on continued cooperation was concluded between DVS – German Welding Society, represented by Managing Director Dr.-Ing. Roland Boecking, and IFF – IndustryFusion Foundation, represented by Igor Mikulina, President of the Foundation Board, within the framework of the SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN trade fair.
The partners intend to work together to improve digitalisation and Green Smart Factory networking solutions as well as the application of modern hardware and software in the field of welding and related processes. Both organisations jointly pursue the goal of securing and expanding the digital sovereignty and competitiveness of their members and the industry in the digital age.
The cooperation is intended to promote science, research and education in the field of Industry 4.0. In addition, jointly generated know-how is to be made available to the members of both organisations through an overarching knowledge transfer.
For all corporate members of DVS, signin agreement results in interesting benefits. If they are interested, they can obtain an associate membership in the IndustryFusion Foundation, which enables eligibility to participate in IndustryFusion Foundation projects and initiatives. All DVS members can participate in the diverse projects and initiatives of the IndustryFusion Foundation as an associate member and thus get involved in the further development of the cross-manufacturer open source networking solution IndustryFusion-X in a very practical way.
(Source: DVS)