Cracking Phenomena in Welding and Additive Manufacturing (AM)
Mark your calendar: The 5th international conference where international experts unite to discuss cracking phenomena associated with welding and additive manufacturing will take place at the University West in Trollhättan, Sweden, on March 12 thorugh 14, 2025.
The purpose of the conference is to gather international experts to discuss cracking phenomena associated with welding and additive manufacturing, from both a scientific and practical standpoint. Topics include
- solidification and liquation cracking;
- ductility-dip cracking;
- reheat and stress-relief cracking;
- hydrogen-induced cracking;
- weldability testing;
- simulation and modeling;
- measurement and quantification;
- and remedial measures.
(Source: IIW News Release)
Additive ManufacturingAMConferenceExpertsWelding