Comau welding family - © Comau

Innovation and Sustainability in Welding

Future of Manufacturing

Welding is one of the fundamental processes in the manufacturing industry. In this context, Comau, specialist in industrial automation, is combining advanced technologies with sustainability and productivity. Through the integration of precision robotics, artificial intelligence and digital solutions, the company is making welding more efficient, safer and flexible.

With a portfolio of MIG/MAG robotic welding systems, Comau provides comprehensive and tailored solutions for any industrial need. The welding robots feature advanced capabilities such as adaptive welding, multipass functionality and real-time joint tracking. A range of automated solutions for arc welding, from power sources to modular standard cells are also part of the programme. These robotic systems are designed to be flexible, enabling manufacturers to select the configurations best suited to their production lines. Comau's latest product for arc welding is the S-Family model, comprising two robots: the S-18-1.7 and S-13-1.9, with payload capacities of 18 kg and 13 kg, and reaches of 1730 mm and 1960 mm, respectively, featuring hollow wrists.

© Comau
Robotic Welding Training Station © Comau
Scalable and effective turnkey robotic welding training programmes

Advanced automation technologies and digital tools are elevating the skill levels required for welders. Comau Academy, in partnership with Seabery, offers a training solution that integrates the Soldamatic welding simulator with the e.DO Robot, whose programmable settings meet both professional and educational requirements.

The Academy has developed a new training technology: the Programming & Robotic Welding Training Station. This solution combines Augmented Reality (AR) with Comau's educational robot to replicate a real robotic welding environment – free from risks, waste and additional material costs. The system includes hundreds of procedures and exercises to comprehensively train industry operators. The training programme will be certified upon completion.

(Source: Comau)


InnovationMAGMIGRobotsSkilled WorkersSkillesSustainabilitySystem SolutionsTrainingWelding

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