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Sustainable Skills in Additive Manufacturing

Sustainable Skills in Additive Manufacturing

"SING for Green" is a EU-co-funded initiative for developing higher education curricula meeting companies needs of design for green transition in additive manufacturing (AM). The project tackles real-world skills gap in several sectors needed for the digital and green transition of AM. Open "Educational Resources" will be delivered to ensure easy and free access to training. Morever, the project will test the AM Design Green/sustainability curricula.

The pursuit of more sustainability is impacting various aspects of our lives, from personal choices to large-scale industrial processes. In the industrial field, the demand for resource-friendly products requires cutting-edge manufacturing technologies, such as additive manufacturing. This specialized knowledge is vital and its implementation in curricula of additive manufacturing is essential for developing the green skills needed to meet these sustainability goals.

To close the skills gap and to capacitate university students with these required skills for emerging jobs, "SING for Green" aims to:

  • Decrease the rate of unemployment by means of addressing new required green skills;
  • Reduce the skill mismatching between higher education courses and labour market needs;
  • Include learners not only young students coming to high school but also adults who want to change their career.

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(Source: SING for Green News)


Additive ManufacturingAMGreen WeldingSustainability

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