The „EvoWeld Mini“ from Evosys Laser GmbH is a compact table-top system for laser welding of plastics. It offers a small footprint and easy handling. - © Evosys Laser GmbH,

Evosys: Compact Machine for Laser Welding of Plastics

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Joining Plastics [EN]

Evosys: compact machine for laser welding of plastics

From 17 to 21 October 2023, Evosys GmbH will exhibit at Fakuma and shows systems for laser plastic welding. For example, the "EvoWeld Mini", a complete system. The tabletop unit has a size of 320 mm × 660 mm × 530 mm and it can be used to weld parts up to a size of 100 mm × 100 mm. The machine is designed for smaller quantities and for processing prototypes in laboratory operation.

Joining plastics with the laser is known for its process-specific advantages. It is valued worldwide for its cost-effectiveness and reliability. Plastic parts can thus be processed particle-free, gently and with high quality in 24/7 series production. Application examples are numerous and can be found in various industries. Whether medical devices or consumables from the medical and pharmaceutical sector, joining housing parts of consumer products or components from the automotive sector – laser plastic welding scores here.

At Fakuma, the “EvoWeld Mini” will be on show live with welding demonstrations. Sample applications will be on display at the Evosys booth in Hall A4, Booth 4306, and of course the large version of a standard system, the “EvoWeld”. Evosys experts have decades of experience in mechanical engineering and laser technology and are happy to provide support in the early stages of a customer project.

Evosys Laser at Fakuma: Hall A4, Stand 430

(Source: Press Release by Evosys Laser GmbH)


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