Structural parts such as the side walls of rail vehicles must be particularly stable. Laser beam welding has proven its worth here.
Steel specialist Dillinger has developed new steel types together with materials scientists from Saarland University, mechanical engineers from RWTH Aachen University and...
The synergies between the trending topics of circular economy and digital transformation were demonstrated at the KPA trade fair in Ulm, Germany using current application...
Digitization and communication are the key topics of SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN (September 15 through 19, 2025 in Essen, Germany). A highlight will be the first-ever presenta...
The 78th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference on Welding and Joining will occur at Europe’s leading business, leisure and entertainment destination, Magazzini...
Different test methods are used in robot or automated welding to detect defects. The e-book “All you need to know about automated weld inspection” from Abicor Binzel, thi...
Infrared welding is now a proven technology frequently used for joining thermoplastic polymers. The key reasons for its widespread use are the non-contact melting of weld...
Dr. Oliver Tröppner took over the Materials Development Group at the SKZ Plastics Center. This means the Würzburg Institute has chosen a successor from within its own org...
Standards committees in both the UK and overseas are looking for new members to help with the development of standards in plastics welding.
Wires, cables and pipes are often referred to as the lifelines of our modern society. Many may now think directly of the supply of essentials such as electricity and the...
The increasing use of plastics requires a sustainable circular economy, i.e. the cyclical reuse of plastics after the end-of-life of products.
Hydrogen is a highly topical issue and more and more components, such as pipelines, must be able to withstand the use of hydrogen.
Die SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2025 steht unter dem Motto „Join the Future“ und zeigt sich bereits jetzt als Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Füge-, Trenn- und Beschichtungstechnik-B...
SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2025, with the motto "Join the Future," is already emerging as the central hub of the joining, cutting and coating technology industry. Dr.-Ing. Ro...
With demand for its electron beam welding technologies on the rise, Cambridge Vacuum Engineering (CVE) announces the appointment of Luke Sansby as Global Sales and Marke...
On January 22, 2025, the TruPrint 3000, a state-of-the-art 3D metal printing system, was officially inaugurated at the Materials Testing Institute (MPA) of the University...
The Multi Functional Fuselage Demonstrator (“MFFD”), which was developed in the European Clean Sky 2/Clean Aviation programme with the involvement of the Fraunhofer-Gesel...
With the first IF Digital Award powered by SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN, digital solutions will be in the spotlight on the international trade fair stage in Essen from Septembe...
At the turn of the year, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Keitel will step down as managing director of SLV Halle. Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Wagner has already been appointed as the new...
The new market study from Ceresana shows adhesive products that are at least partially made from renewable raw materials or are biodegradable gain significance.
This prestigious competition for up-and-coming talent, organized by DVS – German Welding Society, fosters young talent in the field of welding technology and supports the...
Next year's edition of SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN from 15 through 19 September will offer an exclusive setting under the motto “Join the Future”, which will strengthen the co...
Thanks to the federal funding program “Young Innovators”, start-ups can take part in the world's leading trade fair for joining, cutting and surfacing technology at disco...
The industry has recognized the need for transformative technologies and advanced production methods to develop lighter, more efficient and cost-effective solutions, esse...
RWTH Aachen and BAM are leading the "PolyH2Pipe" research project, which aims to reduce the high costs of green hydrogen production with polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM...
The year 2025 has begun and we at Home of Welding would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a healthy, successful and above all, inspiring new year!
As one of Sweden's largest electricity consumers, Billerud has joined Industrikraft to help strengthen Sweden’s ability to expand competitive fossil-free electricity.
With the addition of Marie Schafnitzl and Oliver Brandmayer to the management board, Evosys is strengthening its decision-making level with two experienced managers.
Die Weltleitmesse SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN für die Bereiche Fügen, Trennen und Beschichten, startet mit großem Rückenwind in die Planungen der Messejahre 2025 und 2029.
Welding remains a vital joining process in the metalworking industry and it requires in-depth specialist knowledge and skill.
At the SKZ Plastics Center, the Pipe-safe project has been launched to put an AI assistant for quality assurance of welds in pipeline construction into practical use. Thi...
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is transforming the manufacturing landscape, including in the welding industry. Marvin Keinert, Dr. Simon Jahn and Markus Langer highlight the...
Registration is now open for the IIW 78th Annual Assembly & International Conference on Welding and Joining, which will be held in Genoa, Italy, from June 22 through June...
The excellent booking status for the world’s leading trade fair in welding, cutting, and coating highlights the event's status as an essential platform, promising a highl...
The exhibition space is already fully booked. Numerous proven and new specials hone in on the motto “The Power of Plastics! Green – Smart – Responsible”. The exhibitor da...
Evosys has been committed to environmental protection and sustainable action within the company for several years. Established measures are now officially recorded and do...
Amidst ongoing global challenges, the sheet metal working industry showcased its dedication to progress and growth at the EuroBLECH 2024.
Die SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2025 steht unter dem Leitmotto „Join the Future“. Auf der Messe werden die Themen diskutiert, die die Industrie zurzeit prägen und beschäftigen...
The Salzburger Aluminium Group (SAG Group) integrates innovative lightweight construction into vehicle construction, thereby helping to cut CO₂ emissions.
Part 2 of 3. Today, we will be featuring the factors influencing the weld quality in hyperbaric wet welding.
Underwater welding, especially underwater wet welding, is gaining more and more acceptance. This is due not least to specially developed welding consumables, improved tec...
WireSense, TouchSense, SeamTracking and TeachMode are patented assistance systems for robotic welding designed by Fronius to improve weld quality and increase efficiency...
To make the welding of thick steel components faster and more efficiently, the LZH is developing a new type of process for hybrid laser arc welding with thick wire.
DOMO Chemicals is set to showcase a range of sustainable innovations and accreditations at Fakuma 2024, underscoring its commitment to driving a better future.
More than seven million euros are being invested by plastics processor Röchling Industrial in building the new Engineering Centre in Lahnstein, Germany.
At EuroBLECH 2024, Laserline will be presenting solutions for processing sheet metal, copper and aluminium components, e.g. multi-spot optics for application-optimized be...
Franz Lübbers, CEO of Röchling Industrial will retire on July 1, 2025. He will be succeeded by Raphael Wolfram, currently serving as CEO of Röchling Automotive and Spokes...
Fronius is taking a step in terms of sustainability and its use of resources by carrying out a certified life cycle assessment (LCA) for welding applications.
The next “Plastics Hall of Fame Class” will take place at K 2025 in Düsseldorf. Outstanding achievements by individuals in the plastics industry will be honored.
The International Institute of Welding (IIW) approved at the General Assembly on Juli 7, 2024, two new members to the organization: Egypt and Namibia.
Forschenden der TU Graz gelang es mittels 3D-Drucktechnik und Ultraschall, den nachwachsenden Rohstoff Holz mit Metall und Kunststoff-Verbundwerkstoffen extrem fest zu ve...
Using 3D printing technology and ultrasonic joining technique, researchers at TU Graz succeeded in attaining an extremely strong joining of the renewable raw material woo...
Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM have developed a new polymer patch that can significantly accelerate and...
The "77th IIW Annual Assembly & International Conference" brought together experts from around the world to discuss the latest developments and innovations in welding tec...
Spread over nine exhibition halls and covering more than 90,000 square metres, this year’s event will be a unique opportunity to see the largest collection of sheet metal...
The two companies are developing AI chips and software to improve welding, cutting and marking processes.
“It’s the perfect combination that we were hoping for,” Wolfgang Grüb, former managing partner of Lorch Schweißtechnik, summarises after Japanese Daihen Group joined the...
The 14th International Conference on Soldering/Brazing, High Temperature Brazing and Diffusion Bonding will take place in Aachen from June 24 through 26, 2025.
The SKZ Networking Week is an established meeting place for the plastics industry. This year, the event attracted more than 600 visitors.
KUKA is supplying 23 friction stir welding cells with integrated robots for the production of electric vehicles for an automotive customer.
The Green Steel and Hydrogen Tech World conferences bring experts from both fields together in one place for two days to discuss challenges and solutions.
Process parameters have a significant effect on the emission rate: Wire speed, arc length and correction parameters significantly influence the level of generated harmful...
The Greenweld Project, a joint initiative co-funded by The European Union, announces the upcoming event during the EU Green Week 2024, focusing on the topic of water resi...
The internationally active plastics processor, with its three divisions – Automotive, Industrial, and Medical – proved to be well-prepared and solidly positioned in the f...
Fronius Welding Automation offers cladding systems that, thanks to update options and retrofitting, will remain state-of-the-art for years to come.
Within the EU programm Clean Sky 2 of the project “Multifunctional Fuselage Demonstrator” (MFFD), a team of researchers in Dresden provided proof of concept for the chipl...
The laser beam tool has become an integral part of modern production. At the same time, requirements in terms of efficiency and possible applications are growing. LMB las...
Take action together, joining forces and start implementation: that was the credo of the "Open Source Summit 2024" at the IndustryFusion Foundation's new DemoLab in Bad W...
At the Hannover Messe, the Materials Testing Institute (MPA) at the University of Stuttgart exhibited a robot-guided welding gun developed in-house for friction stir weld...
The BAM Report 2023/24 on safety has been published in conjunction with the "#Zusammenland - Vielfalt macht uns stark" initiative.
EWM took part in Innovation Day 2024 under the motto "Joining technology for the energy transition" focussing on key areas such as additive manufacturing, sustainability,...
Viñolas Metall is a family business specializing in the construction of metal components, sheet metal processing, and boiler making.
Blackbird Robotersysteme GmbH, manufacturer of system solutions for remote laser welding, is growing its leadership team and creating a new area for business field develo...
The committees of K 2025 chose the motto for next year's K Trade Fair for Plastics & Rubber in Düsseldorf from October 8 through 15, 2025.
CLOOS, KUKA and Air Liquide have now also confirmed their participation in one of the most important platforms for joining, cutting and surfacing.
Bei der Notwendigkeit, Fahrzeuge leichter zu gestalten, erweist sich das neu entwickelte Plastics Metal Stir Welding-Verfahren dals einfache, kostengünstige und umweltfre...
The IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference consists of many simultaneous meetings and events aimed at promoting and updating the scientific and technological n...
SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN, the world's leading trade fair for joining, cutting and coating, is delighted that important companies from all exhibition sectors have confirmed...
As of February 2024, the Cologne-based company IBG Industrie-Beteiligungs-Gesellschaft mbH & Co KG will unite their cutting and welding companies in one joint group. The...
The Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT is mobilizing the new “Lasers in Hydrogen Technology” network to help suppliers and users exchange their particular expe...
TIG welding is a true art and is considered to be the supreme discipline of joining processes. The new Fronius Artis lives up to its name, which is derived from the Latin...
Jebens GmbH, Korntal-Münchingen, is starting 2024 with a new management team. After twelve years in this position, Managing Director Carsten Schmickler left the company a...
In cooperation with the Swedish institute RI.SE, the Copper Association organises an international congress for copper processing companies, universities and research ins...
Besonders häufig wird über die Nutzung von Wasserstoff im Zusammenhang mit dem Verkehrssektor gesprochen, der aktuell immerhin für ca. 20 % der deutschen CO₂-Emissionen v...
The debate about transitioning to a hydrogen economy has been and continues to be intense. While in the 1990s the use of hydrogen was seen as a visionary material of the...
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Emil Schubert – known as WELDPROF® – is not only a professor of joining technology and received his PhD in materials science but is also the managing direc...
Using the newly available Welducation Simulator, welders can learn, train, and consolidate their welding skills step-by-step under realistic conditions without safety ri...
The 16th Blechexpo, international trade fair for sheet metal working, together with the 9th Schweisstec, international trade fair for joining technology, was a success. 1...
Das österreichische Unternehmen Anton Paar fertigt hochpräzise Messgeräte. Wegen Fachkräftemangel und permanent steigender Stückzahlen investierte das Unternehmen in eine...
The winners of the "best-Award 2023" were announced on Tuesday, October 7, at Belchexpo/Schweisstec in Stuttgart during an award ceremony.
The nominees for this year's “best-Award 2023” have been announced. Find out here which companies have qualified for the shortlist. The winners will be announced at Blech...
The 77th International Institute of Welding (IIW) Annual Assembly and International Conference on Welding and Joining will take place from July 7 through 12 July 2024, in...
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Böllinghaus from the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) is the new President of the International Institute of Welding (IIW), th...
DOMO is presenting groundbreaking polyamide solutions at Fakuma 2023. DOMO’s globally renowned TECHNYL® brand celebrates 70 years of innovation in flame and temperature r...
From 17 to 21 October 2023, Evosys GmbH will exhibit at Fakuma and shows systems for laser plastic welding.
Combilift, the largest global manufacturer of multidirectional, articulated forklifts and straddle carriers, announced its move into the offshore wind sector with the lau...
Gedik Welding was established in Türkiye in 1963 and is today a global industry leader in the field of welding consumables and equipment. Under its internationally regist...
Using expensive materials on high-performance components only where they are needed: This is the vision of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1153 “Tailored Forming”....
Wie können mittelständische Unternehmen von einem Engagement in der AiF profitieren? Wie können sie aus der Industriellen Gemeinschafts-forschung Nutzen ziehen? Diese und...
Anlagen der Herrmann Ultraschalltechnik GmbH & Co. KG verringern die Ausschussrate der CUSTOMCELLS® bei der Herstellung einer neuen Batterie-applikation und steigern so d...
Mit der Eröffnung des Nationalen Leichtbau-Validierungszentrums – LEIV wird ein wesentlicher Schritt zur praktischen Erprobung und Bewertung neuer Ideen und Technologien...
Die Transformation in der industriellen Automatisierung ist in vollem Gange und wird 2022 einen deutlichen Sprung machen. Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer profitieren dabei un...
„Robot technology for smart automation” verspricht das Messe-Motto von Yaskawa auf der automatica. Den Schwerpunkt legt der Hersteller auf Lösungen, die auch kleineren Un...
Der Laserline Messeaufritt auf der Laser World of Photonics 2022 steht ganz im Zeichen technologischer Innovation. Vorgestellt werden der weltweit erste blaue Diodenlaser...
Mit Dipl.-Ing. Christian Grosspointner übernimmt ein erfahrener Industrie-manager vom bisherigen CEO der AICHELIN Group die Zukunftsgestaltung des global aufgestellten Wä...
Messer Cutting Systems hat bereits zum 1. Februar 2022 den US-amerikanischen Hersteller von Produkten im Autogenbereich, Flame Technologies, Inc. (Flame Tech) mittels ein...
Mit Ausgabedatum März 2022 ist eine neue Fassung der Norm DIN EN ISO 10675-1 „Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Schweißverbindungen – Zulässigkeitsgrenzen für die Durchstrahlu...
Schnell, effizient und zeitsparend zu Know-how und Lösungen für unterschiedlichste Aufgabenstellungen in der industriellen Bauteilreinigung. Diese Möglichkeit bietet Ecoc...
Arbeitgeber sind verpflichtet, Sicherheit und Gesundheit ihrer Beschäftigten zu gewährleisten. Ein Gefahrstoffmanagement gewährleistet eine systematische Vorgehensweise,...
Mit dem Deutschen Rohstoffeffizienz-Preis zeichnet das BMWi herausragende Beispiele rohstoff- und materialeffizienter Produkte, Prozesse oder Dienstleistungen sowie Forsc...
Der webbasierten „Production Manager“ für die CAD/CAM-Software „ProNest“ von Hypertherm wurde entwickelt, um die Maschinenlaufzeit zu maximieren und die Materialausnutzun...
Die LSV hat mit dem regional ansässigen Unternehmen mbm GmbH eine Kooperation geschlossen, um das Reibschweißen im eigenen Leistungsspektrum zu etablieren.
Bund und Länder haben zu lange gezögert, um neue weitreichende Maßnahmen zu beschließen. Der Mittelstand steht nun vor größeren Herausforderungen, die erneut extrem kurzf...
Die neue WeldSight Remote Connect App für das OmniScan X3 Phased-Array-Prüfgerät optimiert den Arbeitsablauf für die Schweißnahtprüfung. Sie ermöglicht Prüfern, jeden Sch...
Veränderungen verlaufen in den Unternehmen und ihrem Umfeld meist schleichend. Das heißt, man nimmt sie im Alltag kaum wahr. So auch in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung. D...
Nur etwa 6 von 10 abhängig Beschäftigten in Deutschland erhalten häufig Unterstützung von ihrer Führungskraft. Die BAuA hat eine Auswertung der Erwerbstätigenbefragung hi...
Vor 10 Jahren wurde die vierte industrielle Revolution in Deutschland ausgerufen. Doch trotz der Verbreitung von Industrie 4.0-Lösungen in den Fabrikhallen, stufen sich a...
Immer wieder kommt es bei der Instandhaltung von Maschinen zu tödlichen Unfällen in Betrieben. Daher gilt: Die Gefährdungsbeurteilung ist ein elementarer Bestandteil des...
Das Flächengewicht von Kunststoffen wird oftmals mittels ionisierender Strahlung ermittelt – das birgt Risiken im Hinblick auf Umweltschutz und Arbeitssicherheit. Das SKZ...
Neue technische Entwicklungen im Bereich kollaborativer Robotik erlauben eine flexible Zusammenarbeit von Mensch und Roboter in Teamstrukturen. Diese Prozesse betrachtet...
Das Kunststoff-Zentrum SKZ stellt allen Interessierten kostenlose Whitepaper über seine Homepage zum Download zur Verfügung. Die kompakten Dokumente liefern knapp und inf...
Die UKCA-Kennzeichnung wird ab dem 1. Januar 2022 die herkömmliche CE-Kennzeichnung ersetzen. Betroffene Produkte müssen dann von einer in Großbritannien zugelassenen Ste...
Die weltweit tätige Faymonville Group optimiert ihre Montagelinien mit Invertern und Schweißtraktoren der Lorch Schweißtechnik GmbH aus Auenwald.
Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) unterstützt die Digitalisierung der Werkstoffforschung in einer ersten Förderrunde bis 2024 mit 26 Millionen Euro.
Mit Ausgabedatum Juli 2021 ist eine Neufassung des Merkblatts DVS 2101 „Umgang mit Sauerstoff-Kernlanzen“ erschienen. Das Dokument ersetzt die bis dato gültige Merkblatt-...
Die BAF GmbH aus Leubsdorf nimmt den Neubau einer Halle zum Anlass für eine umfassende Modernisierung und Umstrukturierung ihrer Fertigung.
Cobots übernehmen gemeinsam mit Beschäftigten Tätigkeiten. Worauf beim sicheren Einsatz der Technologie geachtet werden sollte, erklärt Dr. Matthias Umbreit von der BGHM...
Neue Kunden gehören neben der Stabilität von Lieferketten zu den wichtigsten Einflussfaktoren des ökonomischen Risikos. Daher gilt: „Safety first“ im New-Business-Prozess...
Wenn zwei den schnellen Dreh raushaben ... der Drehmaschinenhersteller WEISSER kombiniert das Extreme Hochgeschwindigkeits-Laserauftragschweißen EHLA mit dem Rotationsdre...
Der in Neustadt in Holstein ansässige Hersteller von Präzisionsplatinen aus Aluminium und Stahl, MN Coil Servicecenter, hat am 12. Mai 2021 umfirmiert und heißt nun EDGE...
Die Corona-Krise darf nicht zur Ausbildungs- oder Fachkräftekrise werden. Deshalb hat die Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) zusammen mit den Partnern in der Selbstverwaltung...
Damit sich im Herstellungsprozess eines Kochtopfes Boden, Kern und Topf nicht verschieben, heftet eine Schweißanlage der Walter Heller GmbH die einzelnen Komponenten pass...
Die deutsche Industrie blickt wieder etwas zuversichtlicher in die Zukunft als noch im Herbst – das zeigt eine Sonderauswertung der jüngsten DIHK-Konjunkturumfrage.
Rund 60 Teilnehmer interessierten sich auf dem 3. Lasersymposium Elektromobilität LSE für die Megatrends der Elektrifizierung. Online erfuhren sie auf der Veranstaltung,...
Die Problemzonen des Schweißers sind aus ergonomischer Sicht in erster Linie die Schultern, der Nacken, der Rücken sowie Sehnen und Gelenke. Das Fitness-Handbuch für den...
Here you will find news on welding technology regulations: DVS guidelines and bulletins, DIN standards, European standards and news on internationally applicable regulati...
Are you looking for specialised literature on welding technology? Then you've come to the right place. Our publishing programme includes not only a whole range of special...
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