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© Microstep Europa GmbH

Technologies for Cutting and Bending

Technologies for Cutting and Bending

At EuroBLECH 2024 in Hanover, Microstep Europa presented – among other things – the high-power version of the MSE SmartFL fiber laser series with a 60 kW laser power. In addition, they presented several bending solutions, some of which were fully automated, innovative waterjet technology and a multifunctional cutting and milling system.

60 kW Laser with power and multifunctional cutting solutions

With the high-power version of the MSE SmartFL, laser series, a cutting system equipped with a 60 kW laser source was presented live for the first time at the exhibition. This innovation from MicroStep Europa and its technology partners ACCURL and Raycus made it into the top 3 of the EuroBLECH Award in the field of separation technology. "In terms of laser power, we are now penetrating areas that allow us to cut even higher material thicknesses in a high-quality and cost-effective manner. [...]," says Marco Große-Schütte, Sales Manager of MicroStep Europa. In addition, visitors were able to experience solutions for metalworking with plasma, oxyfuel and waterjet. At the booth, for example, the multifunctional DRM Max series for 3D cutting using oxy-fuel and plasma rotators with a robust drilling and milling technology was in use. The new WaterCut series with 3D rotator for bevel cuts up to 45° and a newly developed 2D cutting head with ABC technology, which enables cone compensation of ±5°, was also presented.

Bending technologies and equipment for the production of the future

"In Hanover, we presented a fully automated bending cell. The sheets were manipulated by a robot and precisely shaped with the help of our all-electric eB ULTRA press brake. The bent parts were then picked by the robot on the designated storage areas. [...]," explains Marco Große-Schütte, Sales Manager at MicroStep Europa. In addition, the technologies presented showed what "IndustryFusion Ready" means in practice: MicroStep Europa's systems are prepared for Industry 4.0 and thus also optimized for the digitized production of the future. "IndustryFusion is an interoperable open-source networking solution for smart factories and smart products, providing complete visibility into all connected technologies within manufacturing," explains Igor Mikulina, also Managing Director of MicroStep Europa.

(Source: Microstep Europa GmbH Press Release)





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