© Visual Components

Visual Components launches Visual Components Robotics OLP

“Exhibitors announce”: The company mentioned in this article is an exhibitor at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2023.

You will find the company at the fair in Hall 3, Stand 3B12.


Visual Components, a leading developer of 3D manufacturing simulation technologies, announces the launch of Visual Components Robotics OLP. With a single software, manufacturers can unify the use of their technology under one roof, improve robot utilisation and increase production efficiency.

The software is tailored to most industrial applications and robot brands, providing users with reliable and accurate programming capabilities that are ten times faster than manual processes. The platform is compatible with major robot and cobot brands, including 17 post-processors from companies such as KUKA, ABB, YASKAWA and FANUC. Manufacturers can seamlessly transfer their robot programmes from Visual Components Robotics OLP to physical robots on the production floor.

Welding programme in the OLP software (left) and physical welding in the workshop (right) - © Visual Components
© Visual Components

Visual Components Robotics OLP is being launched at a time when robots are underutilised in the manufacturing sector. Time- and labour-intensive processes, complex product mixes and skill shortages are persistent challenges that stifle innovation and block progress in digital transformation strategy.

(Source: Visual Components)


DigitalisationProgrammingRoboticsSCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2023Software

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