© Teknel

Xperience 30 - 30kW: the new Teknel induction heater

“Exhibitors announce”: The company mentioned in this article is an exhibitor at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2023.

You will find the company at the fair in Hall 3, Stand 3A62.

Xperience 30 - 30kW: the new Teknel induction heater

Teknel, a company specialized in the production of induction heaters, has always concentrated its energies on new product research and development. One of these is Xperience 30, which has become the top-of-the-range among the induction heaters for metal carpentry, industries and workshops that need to heat large thicknesses of metal in just a few seconds.

Xperience 30 immediately heats the piece for straightening frames in ferrous or aluminium material, removing king pins, releasing rusty screws, joints or bolts, removing bearings, preheating, hardening, etc. The absence of open flames allows you to work close to cables, pipes or other heat sensitive parts. It can work for a long time without interruption due to the extremely powerful triple liquid cooling system. The special insulation transformer guarantees maximum operator safety even in the most unexpected situations.

(Source: Teknel)


AluminiumHeatingInduction HeaterMetal CarpentrySCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2023

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