f. l. t. r.: Andre Mahl, Head of  local office, Lantek-CEO Alberto López de Biñaspre and Jun Yoshida, Commercial Manager - © Lantek Systemtechnik GmbH

Lantek's New Subsidiary in Japan

Advancing Global growth strategy

Lantek, a sheet metal software company , achieves another milestone as part of its strategic growth plan with the opening of a new subsidiary and local team in Japan. This expansion has been made possible through the integration of the Japanese company FA Service, a move that enhances Lantek’s ability to deliver solutions tailored to the Japanese market and machine tool builders, while strengthening its local service capabilities.

This strategic decision marks a milestone for FA Service and opens new opportunities for collaboration with machine manufacturers, positioning the company as a hub for Lantek’s operations across the Asian region. Through this collaboration, FA Service’s Japanese customers gain access to Lantek’s global network of appr. 400 software experts, with 35 years of collective experience in driving digital transformation in the sheet metal industry.

The Japanese team, composed of over 25 experts with experience in the CAD/CAM industry and a understanding of the Japanese sheet metal market, enables Lantek to offer technical support and provide customized solutions that meet the specific needs of clients in the region. With this latest expansion, Lantek now operates in 16 countries. Customers benefit from a portfolio of technologies, including cutting and bending solutions, Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and advanced tools for Analytics and Smart Cost estimation enhanced with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

(Source: Lantek Systemtechnik GmbH)


AnalyticsCADERPMESMetal WorksSheet MetalSoftware

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