A moment of carelessness in the workshop leads to intense eye pain from exposure to the dazzling plasma, highlighting the risks of working with welding equipment.
Allucan AG was founded in 1962 in Bremgarten, Switzerland. The company's portfolio encompasses the production of prototypes and series components for various industries.
Weld appearance, targeted heat input, reproducible ignition are just a few of the advantages that characterize the Fronius iWave when used in robot applications or as the...
ESAB has launched its news 110A PLUS and 70A PLUS consumables for its Cutmaster A120 automated plasma power source.
Welding remains a vital joining process in the metalworking industry and it requires in-depth specialist knowledge and skill.
The fact that personal protective equipment (PPE) must be used to protect against weld spatter, radiation, noise and harmful fumes during welding is basic knowledge for a...
The Salzburger Aluminium Group (SAG Group) integrates innovative lightweight construction into vehicle construction, thereby helping to cut CO₂ emissions.
Arc-based metal 3D printing is changing metal component manufacturing. The near-net-shape additive manufacturing process with welding wire shapes three-dimensional object...
WireSense, TouchSense, SeamTracking and TeachMode are patented assistance systems for robotic welding designed by Fronius to improve weld quality and increase efficiency...
German special steel producer Lech-Stahlwerke has granted the final acceptance certificate to Primetals Technologies for an innovative scrap torch-cutting machine. The sy...
ESAB introduced three high-performance Cobot welding system packages to reduce programming times, increase productivity and offer consistent, high-quality welds in high-m...
The 14th International Conference on Soldering/Brazing, High Temperature Brazing and Diffusion Bonding will take place in Aachen from June 24 through 26, 2025.
Deutsche Bahn’s freight wagons are manufactured by the company Tatravagónka in Tlmače, Slovakia. The company specializes in the production of 6-axle articulated wagons fo...
Process parameters have a significant effect on the emission rate: Wire speed, arc length and correction parameters significantly influence the level of generated harmful...
Fronius Welding Automation offers cladding systems that, thanks to update options and retrofitting, will remain state-of-the-art for years to come.
Fronius ist einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller von Auftragschweißsystemen. und bringt immer wieder innovative Neuheiten wie das nachrüstbare und mit einem Award aus...
Thermal Dynamics® Automation has introduced the Precision 130 high-precision plasma system, which features a 130-amp power source and a water-cooled torch rated for pierc...
Minarc T 223 ACDC GM is an entirely new, 220 A single-phase AC/DC TIG welding machine, including 'MAX WeldClean', an electrolytic weld cleaning process.
Viñolas Metall is a family business specializing in the construction of metal components, sheet metal processing, and boiler making.
To enable intuitive control over the variables that optimise TIG welding performance, ESAB has introduced the Rogue™ ET 230i AC/DC TIG and MMA welder, which features ESAB...
EWM continuously develops innovative welding processes with the goal of increasing added value for the customer. forceTig® is one of these innovative welding processes, u...
Using the newly available Welducation Simulator, welders can learn, train, and consolidate their welding skills step-by-step under realistic conditions without safety ri...
The new GXe torches are re-engineered from the ground up. Kemppi used detailed customer feedback to optimize the torch structure for enhanced durability, upgraded welding...
Riconlas developed its new and innovative 360° rotating TIG-ER TIG torch types WP9/17/26. The company invites trade fair visitors to experience the flexibility of their n...
At the SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN fair EWM will be exhibiting as a full-range provider. The company will be presenting state-of-the-art welding technology for manual welding,...
Julian von Gramatzki hat zum 1. Februar die Leitung des Geschäftssegments Prozesstechnologie bei TÜV NORD übernommen. Er folgt auf Savvas Peltekis, der sich auf die Weite...
TEKA sieht sich als moderner Sonderanlagenhersteller im Bereich der Luftreinhaltung verpflichtet, die durch Schweißrauch entstehende Krebsgefährdung durch effiziente, mod...