Structural parts such as the side walls of rail vehicles must be particularly stable. Laser beam welding has proven its worth here.
The first welding robot cell has been upgraded to the G4 Welding Robot System – and the de-installed components will function as a source for spare parts for the second o...
A moment of carelessness in the workshop leads to intense eye pain from exposure to the dazzling plasma, highlighting the risks of working with welding equipment.
Infrared welding is now a proven technology frequently used for joining thermoplastic polymers. The key reasons for its widespread use are the non-contact melting of weld...
Hydrogen is a highly topical issue and more and more components, such as pipelines, must be able to withstand the use of hydrogen.
Mit der neuen Plasmaschneidanlage kann das belgische Unternehmen Ivens moderne Tanks schneller und präziser produzieren.
Stainless steel welds should be thoroughly cleaned after TIG welding to prevent corrosion, while impurities should also be removed during pre-cleaning or intermediate ste...
In knapp einer Woche beginnt die DVS-Tagung und -Fachausstellung ROBOTER in Fellbach. Anmeldungen sind noch bis zum Beginn der Tagung am 18.2.2025 möglich.
Wall Colmonoy Oklahoma City OK, USA, increases productivity with a new CNC Unison Breeze 80mm Electric Pipe and Tube Draw Bender.
The Multi Functional Fuselage Demonstrator (“MFFD”), which was developed in the European Clean Sky 2/Clean Aviation programme with the involvement of the Fraunhofer-Gesel...
Das Jahr 2025 hat begonnen, und wir bei Home of Welding möchten die Gelegenheit nutzen, um Ihnen allen ein gesundes, erfolgreiches und vor allem inspirierendes neues Jahr...
The year 2025 has begun and we at Home of Welding would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a healthy, successful and above all, inspiring new year!
In December 2022, Haizea Wind Group, a producer of large metal structures for the wind industry based in Bilbao, Spain, made a major investment in Pemamek welding automat...
Welding remains a vital joining process in the metalworking industry and it requires in-depth specialist knowledge and skill.
Bipolar plates for fuel cells are mass produced every second. Fraunhofer ILT ist now breaking new ground to accelerate production time and saving cost along the way.
Evosys has been committed to environmental protection and sustainable action within the company for several years. Established measures are now officially recorded and do...
With the new PXC7100, Bosch Rexroth is expanding its portfolio of welding controls with a cost-effective solution for precision welding of small parts for the metal and e...
Arc-based metal 3D printing is changing metal component manufacturing. The near-net-shape additive manufacturing process with welding wire shapes three-dimensional object...
Part 2 of 3. Today, we will be featuring the factors influencing the weld quality in hyperbaric wet welding.
Focus on increasing efficiency Laserline presents sustainable solutions for laser cladding and additive manufacturing at Formnext 2024.
Shaver Industries has designed and developed "LZRTec", a retractable laser weld screen designed to provide protection against laser beams, sparks, heat, ultraviolet light...
The International Institute of Welding (IIW) approved at the General Assembly on Juli 7, 2024, two new members to the organization: Egypt and Namibia.
Graebener deliveres a 2-Side Plate Edge Milling Machine via its partner IMG to be implemented in a panel production line made for Malaysia Marine & Heavy Engineering Sdn....
The "77th IIW Annual Assembly & International Conference" brought together experts from around the world to discuss the latest developments and innovations in welding tec...
FABTECH, North America’s metal forming, fabricating, welding and finishing event, announces the launch of its 2024 Emerging Leaders Program.
The two companies are developing AI chips and software to improve welding, cutting and marking processes.
Deutsche Bahn’s freight wagons are manufactured by the company Tatravagónka in Tlmače, Slovakia. The company specializes in the production of 6-axle articulated wagons fo...
MicroStep Europa presented the new CompetenceCenter South to the public at the Technology Days 2024. On 3,700 m², visitors were able to experience solutions from all four...
Process parameters have a significant effect on the emission rate: Wire speed, arc length and correction parameters significantly influence the level of generated harmful...
The innovative collaboration equips students and educators with an arsenal of resources to foster career success for the next generation of professional technicians.
At the Additive Manufacturing Campus in Oberschleißheim, the BMW Group has a “live wire” to an innovative, additive production process for metallic vehicle components and...
Viñolas Metall is a family business specializing in the construction of metal components, sheet metal processing, and boiler making.
Viñolas Metall hat für die Serienfertigung eine CMT-Roboterschweißzelle in Kombination mit einer TPS-400i-Schweißstromquelle eingeführt. Gleichzeitig setzt man auf Multip...
Blackbird Robotersysteme GmbH, manufacturer of system solutions for remote laser welding, is growing its leadership team and creating a new area for business field develo...
To enable intuitive control over the variables that optimise TIG welding performance, ESAB has introduced the Rogue™ ET 230i AC/DC TIG and MMA welder, which features ESAB...
Laser cladding processes have long played a key role in the aerospace industry because laser-based additive manufacturing offers the possibility of realizing complex comp...
ESAB has announced that the ESAB “Demobus” — an interactive mobile welding and cutting experience — will visit more than 100 cities spanning more than 20 European countri...
TIG welding is a true art and is considered to be the supreme discipline of joining processes. The new Fronius Artis lives up to its name, which is derived from the Latin...
The debate about transitioning to a hydrogen economy has been and continues to be intense. While in the 1990s the use of hydrogen was seen as a visionary material of the...
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Emil Schubert – known as WELDPROF® – is not only a professor of joining technology and received his PhD in materials science but is also the managing direc...
Welding generates a complex mixture of fume particles posing a health risk to welders. Health and safety regulations have become stricter, In addition, advanced research...
Das österreichische Unternehmen Anton Paar fertigt hochpräzise Messgeräte. Wegen Fachkräftemangel und permanent steigender Stückzahlen investierte das Unternehmen in eine...
The Fraunhofer Institute IWS will install a Europe-wide unique industrial 3D printer. The Additive Manufacturing system is based on selective laser beam melting in a powd...
Lantek unveils its iQuoting software, designed specifically for sheet metal fabrication. This Software as a Service (SaaS) solution has become a success story, revolution...
Deep-going technical discussions, a strongly attended Expert Forum and a positive overall mood on all three days of the fair testified to the fact that the 20th parts2cle...
Gedik Welding was established in Türkiye in 1963 and is today a global industry leader in the field of welding consumables and equipment. Under its internationally regist...
NWorld specializes in design and manufacture of welding generators. They are active in all areas of industrial welding and respond to the specific needs of every customer...
Große Überraschung aus München: Die automatica wechselt ihren Rhythmus und wird damit zukünftig parallel mit der LASER World of PHOTONICS veranstaltet. Beide Weltleitmess...
Mit i³ CONTROL schafft Yaskawa eine komplett neue Automations-Plattform. Das Besondere dieses jetzt erstmals als Konzept präsentierten Ökosystems: Es bildet eine technisc...
Das Hochtechnologieunternehmen TRUMPF ändert die Rechtsform der geschäftsführenden Gesellschaft der Holding. Die bisherige TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG firmiert ab sofort als TRU...
Die Lage ist derzeit gut, doch die Aussichten sind enttäuschend. Der DIHK sieht den Erholungsprozess erheblich geschwächt und rechnet nicht mit einem nachhaltigen, invest...
Laser-Experten aus Sachsen und Israel erproben derzeit gemeinsam am Fraunhofer-Institut IWS einen neuartigen Laser für den Industrieeinsatz.
Kleine Landwirtschaftsbetriebe müssen viele Aufgaben in Eigenregie bewältigen – zum Beispiel Schweißen. Der österreichische Bio-Hof Hafner zu Wanzbach setzt bei Reparatur...
Cobots übernehmen gemeinsam mit Beschäftigten Tätigkeiten. Worauf beim sicheren Einsatz der Technologie geachtet werden sollte, erklärt Dr. Matthias Umbreit von der BGHM...
Die Corona-Krise darf nicht zur Ausbildungs- oder Fachkräftekrise werden. Deshalb hat die Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) zusammen mit den Partnern in der Selbstverwaltung...
Die Problemzonen des Schweißers sind aus ergonomischer Sicht in erster Linie die Schultern, der Nacken, der Rücken sowie Sehnen und Gelenke. Das Fitness-Handbuch für den...
Die VisiConsult X-ray Systems & Solutions GmbH aus Norddeutschland stellt mit der Aufnahme der nächsten Generation in die Geschäftsführung den langfristigen Unternehmense...
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